Flawless execution
Excellent use of textures in the background and great style throughout. If this isn't one of the clock crew's greatest films, then I don't know what is.
Flawless execution
Excellent use of textures in the background and great style throughout. If this isn't one of the clock crew's greatest films, then I don't know what is.
haha wow what a way to save Clock Day! Well done, Bluezombie.
butts butts
butts butts butts butts butts butts butts butts butts butts
this is really nice
I don't know why I missed this, but I'm glad I just saw it.
I would have loved to make a background like that for my clockday movie. Excellent work, ZL.
Well done
What a journey
THis ia a good movie!
i liked this movei because it was true like life. chris the stick 2 should make more movies, he is better than chris the stick 1 (not me but i am chris too!!! lol).
good movie
thanks! feel free 2 add ideas, as well...
might add you in.
your name is chris? whoah.
i can run really fast
Age 33
Joined on 4/20/08